
Marengo Hospital ALTA/ACSM Land Title Survey

Marengo Hospital


The Marengo Hospital in Marengo Iowa has determined that they need to expand and update their facility. In order to accomplish this, they needed accurate and up-to-date information concerning the improvements on their property.


Brain Engineering, Inc., was retained to provide the information the Hospital needed in order to complete their expansion. We decided to portray the information in the form of an ALTA/ACSM Land Title Survey. This method allowed the Hospital to know the kind of survey they were going to receive and let them select what was to be shown on the survey. Both planimetric and topographic data was collected.

Finished Project

Clear, precise data of unmitigated value to our client.

Contact Us

Brain Engineering, Inc.

1540 Midland Ct. NE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
Ph: 319-294-9424   Fax: 319-294-1056