
West Village Building and Parking Design

Point Builders


In 2008, Cedar Rapids suffered catastrophic flooding. It laid waste to the downtown area of the City, making many buildings unusable. Our client, Point Builders, foresaw the need to provide housing in the downtown area—which is why he called on us.


Brain Engineering provided the base mapping and design of the amenities to serve his new five story condominium. Our design included sewer, water and parking lot. Thanks to Brain’s specialized engineering services, this project’s location near the 100-year flood plain elevation is a complete non-issue. That’s the professional result of a well-planned property.

Finished Project

The final site is now completed, along with the restoration of the former Wells Fargo Bank that was also damaged in the flood. A portion of the building was converted to a parking garage to accommodate the condominium.

Contact Us

Brain Engineering, Inc.

1540 Midland Ct. NE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
Ph: 319-294-9424   Fax: 319-294-1056